Adult Education & Fellowship

Adult Education Opportunities:

Sunday mornings we offer two options for adults from 10:00 to 11:00 AM.

  • The Book of Mark –   Pastor Bard leads this Adult Bible Study in the Parish Hall. This is also the study on Saturday evenings.
  • Exodus—Led by Pastor Eden in Room 232

Monday Evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 PM  a Men’s Fellowship Group meets in Room 240. They begin with a study (currently on the Minor Prophets) and then enjoy a game or two of dominoes.

Tuesday Mornings our Ladies Bible Study get together in Room 232 from 10:00 AM until 11:15 AM. They are currently studying the book of Judges.

Wednesday evenings during Fun Family Wednesday we have a small group Bible study. They meet from 6:30 to 7:45 PM.

Friday mornings our Men’s Bible Study group meets from 6:30 to 7:30 AM. They are currently studying the Martin Luther book A Simple Way to Pray.  They always begin with a breakfast to start your day being fed twice!

Fellowship Opportunities:


Men of Bethel

Our men’s fellowship group meets periodically for a time that includes a devotional as well as a fellowship activity. Most recently we had our third annual Chili Cookoff. The men have also enjoyed skeet shooting, dominoes, fishing, golf outings and other such activities. Please check the calendar for our next event.


Girlfriends Club

The Girlfriends is a group for all ladies college age and up. This group was formed to help the ladies at Bethel develop friendships and close bonds. We all live in such a fast paced world. We don’t always have the opportunity to build deep friendships and have girl time. And yet we all NEED girlfriends to help us out sometimes. It could be wisdom from someone older that’s been there. Or a friend to help share in the very same stage of life you are in right now. Or maybe just some friends to go out and laugh with or have dinner together. We even have an exercise class for our girlfriends.

This group is about building friendships and just being there to help each other out, laugh, cry and share this life we all live in TOGETHER!

We meet once a month on Thursday evenings, but not the same Thursday every month, so check the church calendar for details.

This ministry is under the direction of the Board of Stewardship.


OWLS (Older, Wiser Lutheran Souls)

What are the Bethel OWLS? OWLS is an acronym standing for Older, Wiser, Lutheran Souls.

Who can be an OWL? Anyone at Bethel can be an OWL, but the activities of the group are intended for people who are over 50, who have the time to attend daytime activities.

The group has regular meetings on the third Thursday of each month, except June, July, and August. The meetings are held at the Bethel Parish Hall, starting with a pot-luck lunch at 12 noon.

Activities include programs by guest speakers or musicians, game days, sing-a-longs, game days, and occasionally a field trip.

If you are interested in joining the fellowship, please visit a meeting. For more information, call the coordinators, Martin and Lois Erickson at via the office at 979-822-2742.
