Senior Ministry

OWLS (Older, Wiser Lutheran Souls)

What are the Bethel OWLS? OWLS is an acronym standing for Older, Wiser, Lutheran Souls.

Who can be an OWL? Anyone at Bethel can be an OWL, but the activities of the group are intended for people who are over 50, who have the time to attend daytime activities.

The group has regular meetings on the third Thursday of each month, except June, July, and August. The meetings are held at the Bethel Parish Hall, starting with a pot-luck lunch at 12 noon.

Activities include programs by guest speakers or musicians, game days, sing-a-longs, game days, and occasionally a field trip.

If you are interested in joining the fellowship, please visit a meeting. For more information, call the coordinators, Martin and Lois Erickson via the church office ( or 979-822-2742).
