Children's Ministry

At Bethel we strive to reach children of all ages with the saving message of Jesus. Among our part-time agencies for this are the following:


Children’s Time

We have a Children’s Time during each worship service. Rather than pulling the children out of worship, we invite them to the front of the church for a special message just for them usually led by either Pastor Bard, Pastor Eden, or DCE Jeff Bellach.

Kid’s Bags

We have both Children’s Bulletins as well as Children’s Activity Bags available. The Children’s Bulletins are available from the ushers along with the Sunday bulletins, and the Activity Bags are located to the right of the main doors (as you face the outside).

Children’s Music Time

Each Sunday our 1st through 4th graders meet for music from 9:45 to 10:00 AM in Room 234. During the fall they use this time to prepare music for the annual Children’s Christmas Program.

Sunday School

Each Sunday at 10:00 am we gather for study. For children 2 years old through the 6th grade, we use a curriculum that goes through a rotation of Bible stories using age-appropriate lesson plans. Each lesson brings the Word of God to the child in a way that is entertaining and fun yet not compromising the message. Grades 7 through 12 are going through highlighted stories in God’s plan of salvation, each week reviewing the story as well as making applications to the student’s daily life. More information on our Sunday School can be found here.


On Wednesday evenings during the school year (with the exception of Advent and Lent) we meet for fellowship and study. The evenings start with a meal served from 5:15 to 6:30. From 6:30 to 7:45 we have the following options for children and youth:

Kid’s Bible Club is for children kindergarten through 4th grade. They meet for a short lesson, craft project and perhaps a game or two plus some time to play together.

Junior Confirmation is a two year program for those starting in the 5th grade. One year is spent on reviewing the Biblical story, the other on a study of Luther’s Small Catechism. Successful completion of this program leads to becoming a communicant member of the church.

Youth Night is for grades 7 & up. Each night we have a short lesson/devotional followed by free time in the Youth Room or on the grounds.


Each summer we offer an evening Vacation Bible School program for children 2 years old up through the 6th grade. Youth 7th grade and older are encouraged to serve as assistants or helpers. Lessons highlight main Biblical stories. Each evening includes a meal, music, study, crafts and games. Check back later for more information on the next VBS.
