Women's Ministry

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – LWML

Bethel’s LWML is a local unit of the Bluebonnet Zone of the Texas District. The organization promotes systematic study of the Bible and constant Christian growth. They assist the pastor in contacting fellow Lutherans and live a life of Christian love, fellowship and wholesome recreation. The LWML assists in increasing active participation in the mission of the church, both at home and abroad. Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7 PM. Membership is open to any woman who is a communicant member.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands is a subgroup of the LWML and meets on the second Thursday of each month from 8:30 to 11:30 AM in the Parish Hall. The morning consists of Christian fellowship, devotions, lunch, and sewing projects. The sewing projects include quilts for Lutheran World Relief. All ladies of Bethel are welcome. No sewing experience is necessary.

Women's Bible Study

Tuesday Mornings our ladies get together in Room 232 from 10:00 AM until 11:15 AM.   They are currently studying the book of Judges.  Click HERE to get to the LIVE and previously recorded streamings.


Fit for Christ” Ladies Exercise Class

Tuesdays and Thursdays
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Classes meet in room 241/242.
Childcare is provided.

This class is for women of all ages. Exercises can be tailored to fit your needs. Just bring: an exercise mat or beach towel, 2-8 pound hand weights, water bottle, hand towel, comfortable clothes & tennis shoes. If eating before class, please eat light.


Women’s Fellowship

There is an annual fellowship event for women only – Advent by Candlelight. This is an intimate evening for preparing hearts for the upcoming seasons of Advent and Christmas. The evening features music, inspirational speakers, holiday decorations, gift giving ideas and desserts. It is held on a Sunday evening prior to Advent. This event is open to any women, whether a Bethel member or not.


Girlfriend's Club

Our ladies “Girlfriends Club”  is a group for all ladies college age and up, and gets together every other month for some fun and fellowship.  They have gone to movies, watched DVD’s either here at church or at someone’s home or gone to concerts or to hear speakers.

The Girlfriends Club  group was formed to help the ladies at Bethel develop friendships and close bonds. We all live in such a fast paced world. We don’t always have the opportunity to build deep friendships and have girl time. And yet we all NEED girlfriends to help us out sometimes. It could be wisdom from someone older that’s been there. Or a friend to help share in the very same stage of life you are in right now. Or maybe just some friends to go out and laugh with or have dinner together. We even have an exercise class for our girlfriends.

This group is about building friendships and just being there to help each other out, laugh, cry and share this life we all live in TOGETHER!

This ministry is under the direction of the Board of Stewardship.

We meet every other month, so check the church calendar for details.

Please join us!

For questions or more information contact the church office at 822-2742 or email office@blcbcs.org.
