Men's Ministry

Men’s Bible Study Oppurtunities:

On Monday Evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 PM  a Men’s Fellowship Group meets in Room 240.  They begin with a study (currently on the Minor Prophets) and then enjoy a game or two of dominoes.

Friday mornings our Men’s Bible Study group meets from 6:30 to 7:30 AM.   They are currently studying the Martin Luther book A Simple Way to Pray.  They always begin with a breakfast to start your day being fed twice!


Fellowship Opportunities:

Men of Bethel

Our men’s fellowship group meets periodically for a time that includes a devotional as well as a fellowship activity.   Most recently we had our third annual Chili Cookoff.   The men have also enjoyed skeet shooting, dominoes, fishing, golf outings and other such activities.   Please check the calendar for our next event.
